Wild Impressions: Louise Worthy

14 May - 30 June 2020
A solo exhibition of new work including printmaking, dyed, printed and embroidered textiles. By talented printmaker, textile designer and artist, Louise Worthy.
“I take inspiration from my surroundings in the Scottish Highlands with its abundance of wildlife and vast range of contrasting landscapes, from the moors and mountains, waterfalls and lochs to the turquoise waters and white sands of the beautiful beaches.
I love experimenting and each finished piece is unique.”

Louise Worthy is a printmaker and artist, with a past career as a fashion designer. This exhibition of new works combine textiles, dyeing, hand and machine stitch with her considerable print-making skills, and promises to be rather special.


"I am drawn to colour, pattern and texture and inspired by the varied wildlife and beautiful landscape surrounding my home in Sutherland. I walk a lot with my Border Collie, Willow, and take photographs as I go that help inspire me back in my studio. I have always loved textiles having spent many years working in the fashion industry and have recently started to combine more of my printmaking with hand dyed & printed textiles and stitch.

These pieces have been created starting with natural fabrics such as cotton and linen (quite often upcycled) which have been hand dyed using a combination of eco print (a natural dyeing technique using plant materials), rust printing (rusty items wrapped in cloth), cyanotype (a photographic process producing a cyan-blue print) and batik (a wax resist dyeing method). I then take these fabrics and create collage & patterned layers by monoprinting with dried grasses and leaves from my garden, sometimes combining block print (all blocks designed and hand carved by myself). I finish the pieces with free motion machine embroidery and hand stitch using mostly hand dyed threads.


As you walk around the exhibition you will see photos of some of my inspiration, from a derelict croft house (a home to beautiful Barn Owls), piles of lichen covered stones to a favourite Rowan tree that I have known for over 40 years; it was once struck by lightning and is split almost in half but still continues to grow. You will also see photos of some of the materials and equipment which I use in the creation of my work. I am never happier than when I am out in these wild and beautiful places or when I am working on a piece as I am transported back to these places and the feelings and emotions that come with them."