Having honed her skills as a realist artist for over 20 years, Alanda realized that there was more to wildlife painting than just replicating what she saw. She wanted to go beyond mere representation to capture not just the physical appearance of animals but also their spirit and energy.  This led her to explore the realm of semi-abstract art, where she could express the essence of wildlife through vibrant colours, and unconventional techniques. Working in mixed media, Alanda combines various materials such as acrylics, oil pastels, and inks to create textured and layered artworks that bring nature to life in unexpected ways.  Her paintings begin with intuitive mark-making. She has particular affection for the creatures inhabiting Scotland so they are often the most familiar shapes found in the paint. Once her subject has been identified in these random marks, she works to bring out form and detail, drawing on previous experience to create a balance between abstract and realism.  Her work aims to encourage a sense of connection between viewers and the natural world, reminding us to appreciate and protect these creatures and their habitats.