Fiona Mackenzie was born in Inverness and spent her childhood in the Highlands. For over 14 years she has been based near Gairloch in Wester Ross - the wilderness of the area provides much of the inspiration for her work. She engages with the spirit of the place by walking, swimming in the sea, and often sitting watching the dramatic and constantly changing light on the sea, and mountains. This closeness to nature allows her to sketch directly from her surroundings in paint, inks or pencil, sometimes using these as the basis for larger works which she develops in her studio. Much of Fiona’s initial interest in the natural world stemmed from childhood holidays to the Gairloch area - memories of which eventually drew her back. She was also  influenced by her father’s work as a draughtsman, and her mother’s landscapes and sketches. This was combined with a love for fairytale illustrations, particularly those of Arthur Rackham, while an interest in engraving and printmaking eventually led her to study and publish on Eric Gill, after a masters degree in History of Art at Aberdeen University. Her earlier  influences were varied, ranging from a much loved art teacher Sister Bystram, to an elderly artist Harry Ireland, an  illustrator with The Scottish Field in the 1940s. Her early career focused primarily on private commissions, later exhibiting widely in galleries across Scotland and in London. A wide ranging approach to her influences has continued with inspiration from poetry by Sorley MacLean, and more recently, with a visit to Japan after which she was moved to work in line and wash inks, and which fired an enthusiasm for engraving. In 2019 this interest led to Fiona receiving a grant from The Rawlinson Trust through The Wood Engraving Society thanks to the support of The Highland Print Studio.  In 2024 she was awarded the First Time Exhibitor award from The Society of Wood Engravers for ‘Peewit’ exhibited in their 2024 86th Annual Exhibition currently touring UK.